*sigh, the French....cette collection d'objets est simplement magnifique...
"I’ve always been fascinated by hot air balloons. I remember my delight in front of the gatherings which took place at the Royal Saltworks of Arc and Senans. Their sizes, shapes and colours are sources of inspiration. This collection of three containers is a nod to my memories."
'I like the idea to deface or to reinterpret existing objects. When I was student in London I used bricks as tidy or to collect my loose change. These objects are a coloured, warm and elegant version of the English bricks."
"The farms of Upper Jura abundant with rustic and weathered objects among which the aesthetic qualities, even if they are not quite obvious at once, are undeniable. "PERRETTE" is a collection of contemporary, practical and elegant containers, inspired by old buckets and wooden milk cans from this region."
"There is a huge knowledge and a know-how of wooden toys in Jura. Through this project, I wanted to speak to the the simple and childlike pleasure of stringing beads. Composed of 4 different shapes, each in duplicate, " THE PEARLS " offers the possibility to create and modify to suit his/her mood, the aesthetics of this candle holder"

"«Les Planchas» are chopping boards and display plates at the same time. They are available in four models:
«The mini» which, for example, allows you to place a glass as well as some peanuts.
«The simple», a real chopping board for the kitchen.
«The double» which will allow to display two types of amuse-gueule.
«The triple» "Y" for a homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule."

"Y’A PAS LE FEU AU LAC arose from the meeting between Grégory and Marie BODEL, tabletiers turners, and FX BALLÉRY, designer. Their passion for creation, their love of wood as well as their Jura origins gathered them around a common project: to create a French brand of wooden contemporary, useful and elegant objects and small pieces of furniture.
The name of the company, which is based on a French expression, means “no need to rush”. Created by designers around the world the YPLFL products are an invitation to take your time, to contemplate your environment and to share with friends.
Inspired by traditional know-how and current technology, these objects primarily use wood as a poetic, aesthetic and functional vector."
"I’ve always been fascinated by hot air balloons. I remember my delight in front of the gatherings which took place at the Royal Saltworks of Arc and Senans. Their sizes, shapes and colours are sources of inspiration. This collection of three containers is a nod to my memories."
'I like the idea to deface or to reinterpret existing objects. When I was student in London I used bricks as tidy or to collect my loose change. These objects are a coloured, warm and elegant version of the English bricks."
"The farms of Upper Jura abundant with rustic and weathered objects among which the aesthetic qualities, even if they are not quite obvious at once, are undeniable. "PERRETTE" is a collection of contemporary, practical and elegant containers, inspired by old buckets and wooden milk cans from this region."
"The angle of the wedge can be adjusted with the help of a big nylon wing screw to fit different size gaps. It actually works really well, especially if it's "jacked up" when already in the gap. While this is a simple, practical product, the prominent wing screw makes the object look odd, even slightly absurd. I enjoy this very much."
"It is the simple stacke which serves to bound the fields which inspired me this project. A simple cylinder which ended in cone and which extremity is, both thick and fine, aggressive and soft, solid and fragile. PIK: 3 soliflores as 3 small stakes which, together, stand slightly, delicately, elegantly."
"It is the simple stacke which serves to bound the fields which inspired me this project. A simple cylinder which ended in cone and which extremity is, both thick and fine, aggressive and soft, solid and fragile. PIK: 3 soliflores as 3 small stakes which, together, stand slightly, delicately, elegantly."
*please note not all vases above available in store
"There is a huge knowledge and a know-how of wooden toys in Jura. Through this project, I wanted to speak to the the simple and childlike pleasure of stringing beads. Composed of 4 different shapes, each in duplicate, " THE PEARLS " offers the possibility to create and modify to suit his/her mood, the aesthetics of this candle holder"

"«Les Planchas» are chopping boards and display plates at the same time. They are available in four models:
«The mini» which, for example, allows you to place a glass as well as some peanuts.
«The simple», a real chopping board for the kitchen.
«The double» which will allow to display two types of amuse-gueule.
«The triple» "Y" for a homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule."

who are these French poets of design?
The name of the company, which is based on a French expression, means “no need to rush”. Created by designers around the world the YPLFL products are an invitation to take your time, to contemplate your environment and to share with friends.
Inspired by traditional know-how and current technology, these objects primarily use wood as a poetic, aesthetic and functional vector."