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welcome lovegrove + repucci...

we're so glad you arrived safely. "The design collaborative of Lovegrove & Repucci was formed by Nicholas Lovegrove and Demian Repucci in 2003. Their unique brand of design sensibility is a ...

walrus spotting....

thanks to mr. randy laybourne for spotting this. if you haven't seen his work...check it out, it's good good stuff and so is he.

brought to you from far, far away....

come on! how cute! they are going fast...all handmade in japan. love the shape of these bowls... sweet sake set! beautiful, these are another HUGE favourite! place for a tea ligh...

come and get it!

we have a table full lovely items at 25% off. see below and more in store!local company deserving thyme - these at home 'spa' gift packages are an easy one for $21. these beautiful glasses make an...

thank you.

Thank you for celebrating our second event with us! Great music,people, beer and design—not a bad way to spend a summer evening…Of course the evening wouldn’t have happened with...

we're having another event!

please double click to enlarge.we think it's a great way to celebrate summer and hope to see you here!music provided by jonathan igharas.

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