$74.00 Regular price

One Lovely Hour


With their project One Lovely Hour, Amanda Huynh, associate professor of industrial design at Ohio State University, and her collaborator Ranee Lee, associate professor of design at OCAD University, are reimagining how mealtime can bring greater comfort and nourishment to seniors in long-term care.

Huynh and Lee designed a bowl plate that addressed specific needs for meal service in a care-home setting, with features like lips to aid in scooping for people with limited dexterity, and sections for serving portions.

The plates, whose design began on the back of an Air Canada sick bag as the designers returned from the Dementia Lab conference, were realized through ideation, 3D modeling, and 3D printing by Pratt graduate assistant Charlotte Reiter, MID ’24, and then translated into molds and slipcast by an Ontario fabricator.
Made in Canada

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